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Festschrift | Mélanges | Miscellanee - Contributions to National and International Property Law 2021

2021 Co-author: Ulrike Warneke, attorney-at-law and notary public - The interplay of matrimonial property regimes, statutory spousal inheritance law and the EU Inheritance Regulation as well as the EU Property Regulation in the German legal area

Schulthess Publishing House, 2021, Zurich


Andrea Bonomi - swisNot


Andrea Bonomi, Sandra Laydu Molinari, Philippe Frésard, Pietro Moggi, Christina González Beilfuss, Pietro Franzina, Patrick Wautelet, Louis Perreau-Saussine, Emilie M. Praz, Emanuela Colombo Epiney, Alexandre Faltin, Victoria Romeo Martín Hefti, Ulrike Warneke

To the publisher

VOB Commentary Construction Procurement Law Construction Contract Law Construction Litigation Law

2020 Co-author: Attorney at Law and Notary Michael Ch. Bschorr

Werner Verlag Düsseldorf, 7th ed. 2020


Attorney Prof. Horst Franke; Attorney Ralf Kemper; Attorney Prof. Christian Zanner; Attorney Matthias Grünhagen; Attorney Dr. Susanne Mertens


Attorney Henrik Baumann; Attorney Michael Ch. Bschorr; Attorney Dr. Sebastian Conrad; Attorney Dr. Sven Donner; Christine Haumer, Judge at the OLG Munich; Attorney Björn Heinrich; Attorney Christoph Kaiser; Attorney Dr. Benjamin Klein; Attorney Dr. Marc Pauka; Dr. Tobias Rodemann, Judge at the OLG Düsseldorf; Attorney Dr. Karl Schwarz; Attorney Dr. Jörg Stoye

To the publisher

Architectural and engineering law according to claims

2019 Co-author: Attorney at Law and Notary Michael Ch. Bschorr

Springer-Vieweg-Verlag, 2nd edition 2019

Arranged according to the basis of claims, the work is aimed at clients and contractors of planning, property monitoring, project services and project management services and offers a quick overview as well as practical assistance. The focus of the 2nd edition is on the work contract law of the German Civil Code (BGB), which was reformed on January 1, 2018, as well as the decision of the European Court of Justice of July 4, 2019, Case C-377/17 on the invalidity of minimum and maximum rates of the HOAI.

Authors: Attorney and Notary Michael Ch. Bschorr (Berlin), Attorney and Specialist Attorney for Construction and Architect Law as well as Specialist Attorney for Tax Law Peter Bräuer (Munich)

To the publisher


Wörterbuch/Lexikon Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht = Dictionnaire/Lexique de droit des affaires et de droit fiscal

2012 Co-author Lawyer and Notary Ulrike Warneke

Beck Verlag Munich, 2nd edition 2012

This is a new kind of dictionary. It offers more than the precise translation of the essential German and French terms of business and tax law: detailed explanations of the respective other law make it an indispensable tool for understanding business and tax law in Germany and France.

Authors: Lainé / Warneke

The contractual penalty in construction

2003 Co-author Attorney and Notary Michael Ch. Bschorr

Beck Publishing House Munich, 2003

Authors: Attorney and Notary Michael Ch. Bschorr and Prof. Christian Zanner

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